The solution you’ve been searching for

Have you found yourself bouncing from specialist to specialist without finding a solution to your pain? That’s where I come in. I specialise in finding and resolving the underlying issue behind your injury when other experts can’t.

Exercise physiotherapy consultation in Gold Coast

Initial consult

It’s important to remember the purpose of our initial consultation: to find the source of your pain or injury. This is where so many specialists fall down – struggling to find the root cause, thus failing to resolve the heart of the issue.

Not only will this consultation help me determine the hidden cause of your pain, it will also help me understand how we’ll build your resilience for future pain prevention.

Programs vary in duration, from as little as 2-3 weeks up to 12 weeks, depending on your movement goals.

Initial consult: 60 mins 

Cost: $154 inc. GST   

 Subsequent consult: 45 mins

 Cost: $110 inc. GST

Exercise physiology

Exercise physiology is an established, proven practice that not only manages chronic conditions but also builds strength and range of movement for improved long-term health & well-being.

With a deep understanding of human physiology and the biomechanics of breathing, each program is designed to empower you to live life pain-free.

Quick relief, lasting results

The beauty of my brand of exercise physiology is that we’re not working towards an ongoing treatment plan or a subscription to long-term work. The benefit is immediate relief and long-term, self-sustained health benefits.

Movement assessment

This assessment is all about understanding your current range of motion, comfortability and postural structure.

Performance assessment

Assessing the abilities and limits of your body’s performance encompasses breathing and energy levels.

Breathing assessment

Focusing more specifically on your breathing allows us to understand important factors like patterns, injuries, limits and more.

Of patients with low back pain see multiple healthcare practitioners.
69 %

My approach gives you the immediate pain relief and long-term prevention you need without the need for ongoing appointments.

Frequently asked questions

Being an exercise physiologist with specialisation in breathwork allows me to identify issues and causes that others can’t recognise. The main difference comes in the consultation.

No – the intention of my treatment is to help find a lasting resolution, not ongoing regular visits.

There will be some movement and low-energy exercise, so it is best to dress for this, but there will not be any excessive exercise.