Breathe your way to pain relief

My experience as an accredited exercise physiologist has allowed me to see the importance of unlocking your breathing potential in order to relieve pain and build resilience.

Relieve your pain, increase your range of movement and improve your strength for lasting benefits with treatment that integrates exercise physiology with the biomechanics of breathing.

Taking a scientific approach to breathwork, we optimise energy while minimising mental and physical fatigue. This establishes health benefits you can sustain indefinitely for more comfortable, free movement in your daily life.

Ending your painful cycle

Relieving your pain is one thing, but how often do injuries come back again with the pain even worse? Let’s develop strength & mobility during your recovery; keeping you safe from re-injury.

exercise physiotherapy session in a Gold coast office

Solving your frustrations

If you’ve found yourself bouncing from specialist to specialist without finding a real solution, my movement assessment is the first step to changing that.

Finding your pain-free future

Unlock a life free from pain and limitations. Through personalised solutions and the power of breathwork, we help you restore mobility, build strength, and achieve lasting well-being.

Learning about the link

Your Left AIC. Your breathing. Your pain. It’s all linked, but understanding that link is complex and unique to your own breathing, lifestyle, movement and even physical and mental trauma. It’s time to learn about the link and find the solution.

The biggest influence you can’t see

Have you ever considered that your breathing pattern could be causing you pain? Believe it or not, your breathing plays a major role in the pain and injuries that you might be experiencing. Your diaphragm is the foundation we build from. If you get that right, you get everything right.

Exercise physiotherapy consultation in Gold Coast

Are you ready to learn

Understanding what sits at the very source of your pain gives you the opportunity to address the issue and find a solution. I’m here to help you discover exactly what that pain source is and how we can find the solution together.

What is the Left AIC of the Postural Restoration Institute?

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The Necessity of The Left AIC of the Postural Restoration Institute

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Breathing – The Key to Movement and the Left AIC

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Of people are asymmetrical

90 %

What would you say if I told you that everybody must have a Left AIC, and yet it could be at the heart of your pain? This is something we can address and work through together.

Frequently asked questions

The Left AIC (Anterior Interior Chain) is a natural muscular and skeletal asymmetry pattern in all humans, where six muscles on the left side of your body (from the diaphragm down through the leg) are more concentrically orientated (“tighter”) than their right-sided mates. This asymmetry creates a rightward rotation of the pelvis with the left hip slightly forward and right hip slightly back, and while this pattern is completely normal and necessary for movement, too much asymmetry can sometimes lead to pain or movement dramas.

Left AIC and asymmetry can play into the pain, but this depends on your own body.

No – this is different for different people, with many different factors (such as movement, breathing, loading, lifestyle and trauma) contributing to your specific asymmetry.